Managing Staff
This page and all others on the help site will be retired in Q4 2024. Please refer to the new help site by clicking the Help icon in the top-right corner of the STRATIS Management application.
All of the steps and actions outlined below are for Staff. Actions for Residents and Visitors will be outlined in separate sections.
Creating New Staff Users
Staff users must be made with new, personalized emails for each new Staff member. You shouldn’t use older legacy email addresses associated with prior employees or groups within your property. This might mean that before you can make a new employee’s Staff user, you’ll need to set up their individual email.
Creating A New Staff User
A Staff user is the Staff member’s profile used to designate and manage their individual access to the STRATIS Management App. Some Staff users will have the Property Administrator designation, which is a granted permission allowing them to create, delete, and edit other Staff users. Property Administrators can create smart keys for individual Staff members, after first creating that individual’s Staff user. In the STRATIS Management App:
1. Select People.
2. Select the + sign on the right side of the Staff menu.
3. In the new pop-up window, fill in the first name, last name, and email address of your Staff member. You can add the phone number if you wish, but your Staff member will be prompted to add this themselves during the course of the account activation process. Always use a mobile phone number when creating Staff users and having Staff members input phone numbers, as that individual will regularly need to use that phone/phone number for two-factor authentication in the STRATIS mobile app. When done, select Add Permissions.
4. In the next screen, choose the permissions you’d like to grant to this Staff user. Checking off the box to the left of each option will automatically check off all nested options beneath. Selecting the arrow to the right of each option will expand all nested options for individual choosing. When finished, select + Add.
5. Once the Staff user is created, you can then grant that Staff user a smart key.
Read Keys for Information
If you are in possession of a key, and you don’t know anything about it, you can scan it quickly to get the details.
1. Navigate to the People screen.
2. Click Read Key for Info.
3. On the pane appearing on the right-hand side, select your reader and click Next.
4. Place the key on your reader and click Read Key.
5. When the key is successfully read, the details will display in the pane.
Creating a Temporary Unit Key
Note: The steps below discuss how to create a temporary mobile key in the STRATIS Mobile App. This key can be used to gain entry to the unit or to sync the lock, which will invalidate PINs from former residents.
In the STRATIS Mobile App, the Staff person should:
1. Go to Devices and select the Locks tab.
2. Select the blue + button at the upper right corner. You will see a list of all units in the property and their vacancy status.
3. Select or search for the unit. The Reason will automatically be set at Connect and Sync Data.
4. Select the Duration options of 1, 6, or 12 hours. If desired, you can create any Notes.
5. Select Create Key and see the confirmation message.
**The Reason and Notes fields populate an audit list that can be found on the Chirp Admin Panel to track which staff created temporary unit keys and the respective reasons and notes for those key creations.
Once the temporary unit mobile key is created, the Staff will use that unit mobile key to activate the lock or to sync the lock’s data.
The unit lock will not appear on the dashboard of the STRATIS Mobile App unless you set it to through the expanded view.
To Sync the lock without activating the deadbolt:
1. Tap on the temporary unit key(s) in their list of Locks.
2. While within Bluetooth range of the lock, staff taps the Sync button.
3. Under Access Expires, the Staff can see the time stamp the temporary unit mobile key will expire.
4. Once the successful Synced status is shown, Staff can immediately delete the key by selecting Delete and confirming the deletion.
If you are creating the key to invalidate PIN codes from a former Resident, you don’t need to unlock the door in order to wipe the PIN codes. They just need to tap the Sync button. They do have the option to unlock the door if they wish by tapping on the pulsing unlock button. Unlocking will also sync the lock’s database.
Revoking Staff Access
When a Staff member departs your property’s employment, it’s important to delete their Staff user right away. This ensures that they don’t have access to the property, units, STRATIS Management App and Chirp Admin Panel, which is crucial for your security. This is also how you’ll block them from being able to use the STRATIS Mobile App to make temporary keys and enter units. Any physical keys that were assigned will also have their access revoked.
Deleting A Staff User
Sometimes you’ll need to remove Staff users from your STRATIS Management App to ensure that they no longer have access to your property, such as when an employee quits or is terminated. There’s no way to bulk-delete Staff users--they must be removed one at a time.
1. Select People.
2. Select Staff.
3. In the drop-down Staff list, select the Staff user to be removed. Then, in the new menu that appears, select Remove.
4. Confirm that you would like to remove this Staff member by selecting Remove again. That Staff user will now disappear from your Staff list.
5. Removing a Staff member’s user account will automatically revoke mobile and smart key access.
Staff Keys
Assigning Staff Keys
To assign a smart key to a Staff member, click on the Staff member’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.
1. Click Make Key:
2. Follow the instruction on the next screen to scan the credential.
3. Once the fob has been read, enter your password, and click Create Key.
Removing Staff Keys
1. Click on the staff member’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.
2. Click the USB enrolled credential underneath the Credentials section.
3. Click Remove.
4. Click Remove.
5. Click Close.
Invalidating Former Resident PIN Codes
Property Staff will:
1. Complete the steps to move out a Resident.
2. Create a temporary unit mobile key via their STRATIS Mobile App.
3. Approach the lock so they are within Bluetooth range.
4. Tap the lock to reveal the option to sync the lock, then tap Sync.
5. Delete their temporary mobile key once access is gained.
Tickets in the Chirp Admin Panel
Tickets go hand-in-hand with the Smart Locks menu in the Chirp Admin Panel and relate directly to Yale locks. You’ll see a ticket automatically populate in this menu in two cases:
1. Low battery warning:
In this case, Yale has detected that a battery on a lock will soon run out and is prompting you to replace those batteries.
Solve this ticket by putting new batteries into the lock. Then, create a temporary mobile key for that unit in the STRATIS Mobile App and connect to the lock by locking and unlocking the unit lock twice. This will register the batteries as changed with August, and the ticket will automatically be marked as solved in the Chirp Admin Panel.
2. Turnover lock reset:
When a Resident moves out, and the occupancy of their unit ‘turns over,’ this ticket prompts you to close out their exit tasks.
Solve this ticket by creating a temporary unit key in the STRATIS Mobile App, and entering the unit. This syncs the lock with the ticket and both blocks the ex-Residents' pin codes from working and closes the ticket.
Once a ticket is solved, you’ll still see it appear in your ticket queue as solved. Past tickets can be filtered by any of the column headers in the ticket menu to narrow down the number of displayed tickets.
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