Managing Staff

Managing Staff

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Creating a New Staff User

To create a staff member, you must have the Property Administrator permission. If you do not have this permission please contact your property’s manager for assistance.

To add new staff:

  1. Click People.

  2. Click the + button found to the right of the Staff section.

  3. Enter an email, First Name, Last Name, and phone number (optional), then click Add Permissions.

  4. Apply the permissions you wish to grant by ticking the box and click + Add.

When adding staff in STRATIS, they are automatically added to Brivo’s staff group. However, they will not have any access until mobile access is granted or a fob is assigned.

Read Keys for Information

If you are in possession of a key, and you don’t know anything about it, you can scan it quickly to get the details.

1. Navigate to the People screen.

2. Click Read Key for Info.

3. On the pane appearing on the right-hand side, select your reader and click Next.

4. Place the key on your reader and click Read Key.

5. When the key is successfully read, the details will display in the pane.

Creating Staff Fobs/Keys

Creating staff fobs/keys has different steps depending on the type of locks your property uses. Please see below for instructions based on your lock type:

Schlage Property

On Schlage properties, staff keys cannot have their access edited. They can only be re-assigned to another staff member or they can be returned (access is wiped) and then disposed of. Maintenance fobs and mobile access are the recommended methods for providing access to property staff and vendors.

1. Click the People icon.

2. Select View Staff Keys from the staff toolbar.

3. Select +New Key. Choose your staff member from the drop-down list, and select Next.

4. Choose the areas you’d like your staff fob to access in the left menu, and select Next. When making this choice, remember to think about your 11-slot limit and setup.

5. Under Credential Name, it’s recommended to enter the badge printed on the fob/key along with a friendly name for it. No two staff keys can have the same name.

6. Your fob will automatically be assigned an end date one year into the future from the date of creation. You can change this date if you wish. When the expiration date is reached, the fob will no longer grant access to unit locks or to Brivo-controlled doors.

7. Under the Schedules section, choose either 24/7 access or Schedule to choose a schedule specifically for that fob. A schedule applied to the fob will supersede any schedules configured on the lock itself.

8. Select Next.

9. Enter your login and password, then place your fob on the center of the MT20W.

10. Click Confirm. You will see a confirmation message once the fob has been written.

Dormakaba Property

  1. Click the People icon.

  2. Select View Staff Keys from the staff toolbar.

  3. Select +New Key. Choose your staff member from the drop-down list, and select Next.

  4. Choose the areas you’d like your staff fob to access in the left menu, and select Next. When making this choice, remember to think about your fob’s memory limit and setup.

  5. Under Credential Name, it’s recommended to enter the badge printed on the fob/key along with a friendly name for it. No two staff keys can have the same name.

  6. Your fob will automatically be assigned an end date one year into the future from the date of creation. You can change this date if you wish. When the expiration date is reached, the fob will no longer grant access to unit locks or to Brivo-controlled doors.

  7. Select Next.

  8. Verify the fob you are about to make is correct, enter your password, and click Confirm.

  9. You will see a confirmation message once the fob has been written.

Yale Property

1. Click the People icon.

2. Select the staff member to which you want to assign a key.

3. Click Make Key.

4. You will receive a message at the top of the screen that the fob was successfully assigned.

5. Follow the instructions on the next screen to scan the credential.

6. Once the fob has been read, enter your password, and click Create Key.

Creating Maintenance Physical and Mobile Keys/Fobs

Maintenance fobs are typically used to grant temporary access for a specific maintenance activity. When the fob’s expiration is reached, it will no longer be able to access the unit locks or the Brivo-controlled doors. Property maintenance staff and vendors are the typical recipients of these fobs/keys.

Schlage Property

To Make a Maintenance Fob

1. Select Maintenance from the left-side menu.

2. Select + Add Ticket.

3. Enter the email address of the person requesting the Maintenance key, the status of the ticket, and the type of ticket, then select Next. A new menu will appear. 

4. From the left column of the menu, choose your desired units.

  • If your number of chosen units exceeds the 11-slot limit, you’ll see a pop-up error.

  • If you select tickets assigned to different staff users and try to create a fob/key, you’ll see a pop-up error.

5. Select Add Key.

6. Select the expiration date and time for the fob/key. Note that the default expiration is 5:00 PM on the day of creation, but you can change this if you wish, up to 30 days into the future. Setting maintenance key expiration to allow the least amount of access time is best security practice for your property.

7. Select Confirm.

8. Place the blank fob on the MT20W. A confirmation message will appear.

Dormakaba Property

To Make a Maintenance Fob

1. Select Maintenance from the left-side menu.

2. Select + Add Ticket.


3. Enter the email address of the person requesting the Maintenance key, the status of the ticket, and the type of ticket, then select Next. A new menu will appear. 

4. From the left column of the menu, choose your desired units.

5. Select Add Key.

6. Indicate the expiration date and time. Note that the default for Maintenance keys is 5:00 PM on the day of creation, but you can change this if you wish, up to 30 days into the future.

7. Select Confirm.

8. Place the blank smart key on the encoder. A confirmation message will appear.

To Make a Maintenance Mobile Key (all properties)

1. Select Maintenance from the side menu.

2. Choose and select the relevant ticket for this mobile key. You can only choose one ticket.

3. Select Mobile Credential at the bottom of the screen.

4. Select the expiration date and time for mobile access. Note that the default expiration is 5:00 PM on the day of creation, but you can change this if you wish, up to 30 days into the future. Setting maintenance key expiration to allow the least amount of access time is best security practice for your property.

5. Select Next, then Confirm.

Yale Property / No Unit Lock Property

Creating maintenance fobs with automatic expiration is not a current feature on Yale properties. Any attempts to create maintenance fobs may result in a dead end.

If access to common area Brivo-controlled doors is required, please follow the steps for a Yale property found at the Creating Staff Fobs/Keys section and revoke the access once maintenance activities are complete.

If temporary access to a unit is required, please follow the STRATIS mobile app steps here. See Creating a Temporary Unit Key.

If a vendor requires access to a unit, they will need to be escorted to the unit or if the lock supports a mechanical key this can be given out.

Creating Common Area Fobs/Keys

 If you need to issue a fob for a vendor, you might not want to give out a staff fob that can access staff doors controlled by Brivo.

To create a common area-only fob:

Schlage Property

1. Click Places icon.

2. Navigate to the Vendor Apartment.

3. Move in a resident with a First Name and Last Name that will represent your vendor.

4. Click on the newly created resident.

5. Click Make Key.

6. Verify you wish to proceed by clicking Confirm.

7. Place the fob on the center of the MT20W.

  • If you have multiple MT20W encoders, you will be prompted to select the desired one from the list. If not, skip to Step 8.

8. You will receive a prompt when the fob has been successfully created.

Dormakaba Property

1. Click Places icon.

2. Navigate to the Vendor Apartment.

3. Move in a resident with a First Name and Last Name that will represent your vendor.

4. Click on the newly created resident.

5. Click Make Key.

6. Verify you wish to proceed by clicking Confirm.

7. Place the fob on the center of the encoder.

  • If you have multiple encoders, you will be prompted to select the desired one from the list. If not, skip to Step 8.

8. You will receive a prompt when the fob has been successfully created.

9. Click Close.

Yale Property / No Unit Lock Property

1. Click Places icon.

2. Navigate to the Vendor Apartment.

3. Move in a resident with a First Name and Last Name that will represent your vendor.

4. Click on the newly created resident.

5. Click Manually Input.

6. Ensure the USB scanning device radio button is selected.

7. With your USB enrollment device plugged into the PC, click into the text box and then present your smart fob/card to the enrollment reader.

8. Once the value has been entered, click Create Key, then click Close.

Returning/Removing Common Area Fobs/Keys

Follow the steps found in the Properties without a PMS Integration section.

Assigning Garage Tags to Staff

 To create a garage tag for staff:

1. Click Places icon.

2. Navigate to the Staff Parking Apartment.

3. Move in a resident with a First Name and Last Name that will represent your vendor.

4. Click the newly created resident.

5. Click Manually Input.

6. Enter the Facility Code (FC) and the Badge ID associated with the tag you are assigning.

7. Once the value has been entered, click Create Key, then click Close.

Removing Garage Tag for Staff

Follow the steps found in the Removing Resident Garage Tags section.

Returning Staff Smart Keys


1. Select People.

2. Select View Staff Keys.

3. Select the staff smart key you wish to return.

4. Select Return Key.

5. If you have the staff smart key that is being returned:

  • Select Continue With Credential.

  • Follow the prompts to place the smart key on the MT20W. After three quick beeps, the smart key will be deleted from the system.

  • Note that returned staff smart keys can’t be reprogrammed.

6. If you don’t have the staff smart key that is being returned:

  • Select Continue Without Credential.

  • Select Return Credential.

  • Once the smart key has been deleted, tour all locks to which that smart key had access. Locks must be reprogrammed to remove access. Before programming, make sure that you’ve deleted old door files and have the most up-to-date door files downloaded.


1. Select People.

2. Select View Staff Keys.

3. Select the Staff smart key you wish to return.

4. Select Return Key.

5. Select your encoder, then Next.

6. If you have the Staff smart key that you are returning:

  • Select Return Key.

  • Follow the prompts to place the smart key on the encoder. After three quick beeps, the smart key will be deleted from the system.

  • Note that returned Staff smart keys can’t be reprogrammed for additional use.

7. If you don’t have the Staff smart key that is being returned, follow the steps listed in the section of this guide titled Replacing a Lost Key For Staff or Maintenance


  1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the staff user’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

  2. Click on the key/fob in the Credentials list (you may need to scroll down).

  3. Click Remove.

Deleting a Staff User


1. Select People.

2. Select Staff.

3. In the drop-down Staff list, select the staff user to be removed. Then, in the new menu that appears, select Remove.

4. Confirm that you would like to remove this staff member by selecting Remove again.

5. That staff user will now disappear from your Staff list.

Removing a staff member’s user account will automatically revoke their mobile key, but if they have a smart key assigned to them then you will also need to reassign that smart key or return that smart key. If they didn’t return their smart key before departing, you’ll need to return that smart key without a credential, then program all of the doors the smart key had access to in order to block that individual’s access to your property.


1. Select People.

2. Select Staff.

3. In the drop-down Staff list, select the staff user to be removed. Then, in the new menu that appears, select Remove.

4. Confirm that you would like to remove this staff member by selecting Remove again.

5. That staff user will now disappear from your Staff list.

Removing a staff member’s user account will automatically revoke their mobile key, but if they have a smart key assigned to them then you will also need to reassign that smart key or return that smart key. If they didn’t return their smart key before departing, you’ll need to return that smart key without a credential, then program all of the doors the smart key had access to in order to block that individual’s access to your property.


  1. Select People.

  2. Select Staff.

  3. In the drop-down Staff list, select the staff user to be removed. Then, in the new menu that appears, select Remove.

  4. Confirm that you would like to remove this staff member by selecting Remove again.

  5. That staff user will now disappear from your Staff list.

Making Master Keys


The ability to make master fobs/keys is gated by two requirements. First, the property setting Allow creation of master keys must be enabled in the Settings menu.

1. Select Property Setup.

2. Select Settings.

3. Enable the option Allow creation of master keys.

4. Click Save.

The second requirement is that the staff user has been granted the permission:

1. Select Staff.

2. Select your relevant staff user.

3. Select Add Permissions.

4. In the Property drop-down list, check off the box that says Create/Edit/Delete Site Master Keys.

5. Click Save.


Master keys aren’t made in the STRATIS Management App. To make a master key, for such purposes as emergency or fire use, do so in Community. Once you make a master key in Community, even if the property layout changes afterwards that same Emergency Key will still work and doesn’t need to be recreated.

Yale: Not applicable.

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