Managing Residents

Managing Residents

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Read Keys for Information

If you are in possession of a key, and you don’t know anything about it, you can scan it quickly to get the details.

1. Navigate to the People screen.

2. Click Read Key for Info.


3. On the pane appearing on the right-hand side, select your reader and click Next.

4. Place the key on your reader and click Read Key.

5. When the key is successfully read, the details will display in the pane.

Moving In Residents

Properties with a PMS Integration

The STRATIS Management app can be integrated with a Property Management System (PMS) like RealPage OneSite, Yardi Voyager, or Entrata. When integrated, your PMS determines when residents are created within the STRATIS Management app. Depending on how the PMS integration is configured, residents can appear in STRATIS on the day their lease starts, or an earlier date. Appearing in STRATIS prior to move-in allows property staff to make the physical fobs ahead time.

In order for a resident in the selected PMS to sync into STRATIS, they must have the following:

  • Unique and properly formatted email

  • Unique and properly formatted number

  • Live at one property and in one unit at a time

If any of the above criteria are not met, sync conflicts will be generated and listed at the bottom of the People menu, along with a button allowing you to see the reason for the sync error. Property Administrators can use that information to diagnose and correct sync errors that originate within the PMS. The sync between STRATIS and the PMS automatically takes place every four (4) hours, but can be done on demand by pressing the Sync Residents button.

In the integrations menu, if AUTOMATICALLY SEND ACTIVATION EMAILS = YES residents will receive mobile access once they’ve activated their account.

Residents that were synced from your PMS will have an icon to the very right of their record in the people list. RE for RealPage, YA for Yardi, or EN for Entrata

Properties without a PMS Integration

If there is not a PMS integration, property staff can create residents by entering their information into STRATIS.

1. Select Places, followed by the correct unit, group, or building. 

2. Select the floor, and the desired unit. 

3. Select Move In and enter the resident’s first and last name.

4. Choose if you wish to send mobile activation emails to your resident.

5. If you’re sending an activation email, select the checkbox Send Mobile Activation.

  • Please note that if you decide to send the mobile activation, the resident will be able to access the property and their unit with their mobile device once they’ve activated their account.

6. If your property has amenities, select +Add Amenities, select the appropriate doors, then Next, then +Add Resident.

7. If your property does not have amenities, select +Add Resident.

Assigning Resident Fobs/Keys

Residents may need a physical fob or key to get through building doors and their unit’s lock.

STRATIS restricts the assignment of one fob per person on Schlage and Dormakaba properties.

When you assign a key for a user in the Future Residents section, the key will not have access until group assignment occurs at midnight the day of the move-in. If you provide them the key prior to the move-in date, make sure the resident understands when they will have access.

Schlage Unit Locks

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. Click Make Key.

3. If your property has any Brivo amenities, select them from the list and click Next. If not, skip to step 4.

4. Verify you wish to proceed by clicking Confirm.

5. Place the fob on the center of the MT20W.

  • If you have multiple MT20W encoders, you will be prompted to select the desired one from the list. If not, skip to Step 6.

6. You will receive a prompt when the fob has been successfully created.

Dormakaba Unit Locks

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. Click Make Key.

3. If your property has any Brivo amenities, select them from the list and click Next. If not, skip to step 4.

4. Verify you wish to proceed by clicking Confirm.

5. Place the fob on the center of the encoder.

  • If you have multiple encoders, you will be prompted to select the desired one from the list. If not, skip to Step 6.

6. You will receive a prompt when the fob has been successfully created.

7. Click Close.

Yale Unit Locks OR No Unit Locks

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. Click Manually Input.

3. Ensure the USB scanning device radio button is selected.

4. With your USB enrollment device plugged into the PC, click into the text box and then present your smart fob / card to the enrollment reader.

5. Once the value has been entered, click Create Key, then click Close.

Assigning Resident Garage Tags

If your property has vehicle gates or overhead garage doors that control access to parking facilities, you likely have stickers or tags that your integrator provided. These tags can be assigned to your residents with the following steps.

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. Click Manually Input.

3. Ensure the Manually Input radio button is selected.

4. Enter the Facility Code (FC) and the Badge ID associated with the tag you are assigning.

5. Once the value has been entered, click Create Key, then click Close.

Removing Resident Garage Tags

To remove a key/fob:

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. Click on the key/fob in the Credentials list (you may need to scroll down).

3. Click Remove.

Replacing Resident Fobs/Keys

For any reason, if a resident needs a replacement fob/key, the steps below can be followed to ensure the previous fob/key no longer has access and the new fob/key has the appropriate access.

Schlage Unit Locks

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. Click Replace Key.

3. Verify you wish to proceed by clicking Confirm.

4. Place the fob on the center of the MT20W.

  • If you have multiple MT20W encoders, you will be prompted to select the desired one from the list. If not, skip to Step 5.

5. You will receive a prompt when the fob has been successfully created.

Dormakaba Unit Locks

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. Click Replace Key.

3. Verify you wish to proceed by clicking Confirm.

4. Place the fob on the center of the encoder.

  • If you have multiple encoders, you will be prompted to select the desired one from the list. If not, skip to Step 5.

5. You will receive a prompt when the fob has been successfully created.

6. Click Close.

Yale Unit Locks OR No Unit Locks

There is no need to replace keys/fobs on properties with Yale unit locks or no unit locks. Simply assign the key/fob with the normal process: Assign Resident Fobs Keys>No Unit Locks.

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. Click on the key/fob in the Credentials list (you may need to scroll down).

3. Click Remove.

Adding and Revoking Brivo Amenity Access

In STRATIS, an amenity is a door/gate/garage that residents do not automatically get access to. Typical use cases for the amenity designation can include:

  • Areas with age restrictions:

    • Pool

    • Gym

  • Areas requiring paid access:

    • Parking

    • Additional Storage Areas

Brivo amenities are configured during the onboarding process with your STRATIS project manager. When assigning residents their fobs, you can grant amenity access. When amenity access is granted to a resident, they are assigned membership to a special Amenity group within Brivo, which grants the access they need.

Adding Amenity Access

If a resident needs amenity access after their fob was issued:

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. Click Edit Amenities.

3. Select the amenities they will get access to from the list.

4. Click Save.

Removing Amenity Access

To revoke a resident’s amenity access after their fob was issued:

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. Click Edit Amenities.

3. De-select the amenities they will get access to from the list.

4. Click Save.

Moving Out Residents

Properties with a PMS Integration

When you move out a resident through your PMS, the resident is removed from STRATIS, and their mobile access is revoked. On properties with Schlage or Domakaba unit locks, you will still need to collect the resident's fob/key to return and wipe its access. See below for specific steps based on the locks present at your property:

Schlage Property

1. Click Return key for moved-out resident

2. If you have multiple MT20Ws you will be prompted to select the desired one from the list and click Next. If not, skip to Step 3.

3. Place the fob on the center of the MT20W.

4. You will receive a prompt when the fob has been successfully returned.

5. Click Close. The fob can now be used for other purposes.

Dormakaba Property

1. Click Return key for moved-out resident.

2. If you have multiple encoders you will be prompted to select the desired one from the list and click Next. If not, skip to Step 3.

3. Place the fob on the center of the encoder and click Return Key.

4. You will receive a prompt when the fob has been successfully returned.

5. Click Close. The fob can now be used for other purposes.

Yale Property

Yale locks are not capable of reading fobs, therefore no fob return process is required. When the resident is moved out through the PMS, their fob is removed from Brivo immediately. If the resident set up a PIN on their unit lock, it will continue to grant access until removed.

PINs must be removed via the STRATIS Mobile app. To remove the former resident’s PIN:

1. Create a temporary unit mobile key.

2. Approach the unit lock until you are within Bluetooth range (approximately 20 feet).

3. Tap the lock to reveal the option to sync the lock, then tap sync.

4. Delete the temporary mobile key when finished.

Properties without a PMS Integration

To move out a non-PMS resident:

Schlage Property

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. Click Move Out.

3. If you have multiple MT20Ws you will be prompted to select the desired one from the list and click Next. If not, skip to Step 4.

4. Place the fob on the center of the MT20W.

5. You will receive a prompt when the fob has been successfully returned.

6. Click Close. The fob can now be used for other purposes.

Dormakaba Property

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. If you have multiple encoders you will be prompted to select the desired one from the list and click Next. If not, skip to Step 3.

3. Place the fob on the center of the encoder and click Return Key.

4. You will receive a prompt when the fob has been successfully returned.

5. Click Close. The fob can now be used for other purposes.

Yale Property

1. Either through the People or Places icon, find and click on the resident’s record, and the user aside will appear on the right.

2. Click Move Out.

3. Click Move out resident.

As a reminder, Yale locks are not capable of reading fobs, therefore no fob return process is required. When the resident is moved out through the PMS, their fob is removed from Brivo immediately. If the resident set up a PIN on their unit lock, it will continue to grant access until removed.

PINs must be removed via the STRATIS Mobile app. To remove the former resident’s PIN:

1. Create a temporary unit mobile key.

2. Approach the unit lock until you are within Bluetooth range (approximately 20 feet).

3. Tap the lock to reveal the option to sync the lock, then tap sync.

4. Delete the temporary mobile key when finished.

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