STRATIS User Changes Post-PMS Integration

STRATIS User Changes Post-PMS Integration

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Congratulations! Your PMS is now integrated with STRATIS.

To make the most of your integration and ensure that your data stays clean, you’ll want to make a few things part of your regular and ongoing STRATIS use. Additionally, once your property has finished its PMS integration, some of the things you see and do in STRATIS’ Management App will change. The below list points out how your new integrated STRATIS will differ from your pre-integration Management App.

General Information

For PMS integration to be effective, it’s important to keep your PMS up to date with accurate resident move-in and move-out dates and contact information. If you’ve manually moved a resident into STRATIS for any reason, the resident will sync to their PMS profile as long as the email address, name, and unit number match. The integration syncs automatically every 4 hours, and can be manually triggered to sync from the People menu as well.

Updating Resident Information

Sometimes, you might need to update a resident’s info such as their last name or phone number. Note that after your integration, PMS-synced residents can’t be edited in the Management App. Update a resident's information in your PMS, and those updates will get propagated into STRATIS automatically during the next resident sync.

Future Residents

When a resident is scheduled to move into a unit in the PMS, they will populate as a Future Resident in the people menu. Select the name of the resident you’d like to create a key for. From here, you will select Make Key and follow the same steps as a resident in a unit.

Resident Move In

When your resident is scheduled to move into their unit in your PMS, they’ll automatically shift from the Future Residents list to the Residents list, and will show as a resident in their unit in the Places menu. From there, you can make their smart key, send or resend their mobile access email, and manage them just like any other resident.

Resident Move Out

Based on the settings you’ve selected on the integrations menu, your Resident will automatically be moved out of their unit based on either their move-out date, or their status in your PMS. At this time, they’ll be removed from the Residents' list and their mobile access will be revoked. You will need to collect their smart key and return it using the Return Key for Moved Out Resident button in the resident’s unit, or on the bottom of the People menu.

In the Residents list in STRATIS, you’ll now see either an X or the first two letters of the name of your PMS next to each Resident’s name. An X signifies that the Resident has been moved in manually, and can be moved out manually as well. The first two letters of the name of your PMS, for example EN for Entrata, or YA for Yardi, means that your Resident is a PMS integrated Resident. These types of Residents must be managed and moved out via your PMS, not STRATIS.

Residents With Two Smart Keys

Whenever possible, we suggest you use mobile visitor access when creating a credential for any guest, petsitter, cleaner, etc. It’s an easy way to allow your guests to have access for only the times that you want. If visitor access won’t work and you need to create a second smart key, we suggest using  “Resident’s name + second key” when creating a second smart key for a resident, to help keep track of the extra smart keys. It’s important to note that for any account not synced between systems (any account with information managed manually, like a second smart key), you’ll need to keep a record and eventually move them out of STRATIS manually. If your property allows multiple smart keys for the same resident, it’s always a good practice to double-check the unit in the Places menu to make sure there are no additional smart keys to be returned

Fake Email Security Concerns

For a variety of reasons, such as not having a confirmed email for your Resident on hand in the moment, it might be tempting to use a fake email for one of your PMS residents (e.g. none@gmail.com or abc@gmail.com or noemail@gmail.com). This poses a security risk for your property and should be avoided. STRATIS will save that fake email address as associated with your STRATIS Resident. If your property has automatic activation emails enabled, the activation email for that resident will automatically get sent to that email address. That fake email could actually belong to a real person outside of your property, and they could activate that account instead of the intended Resident of that unit.If the use of fake emails can’t be avoided, turn off your property’s automatic activation email setting and manually send emails instead.

Syncing Conflicts

If you have any syncing conflicts, they’ll appear on the app below your resident listing, when you go to the bottom of your resident list in the Management App. Clicking on the resident will show an explanation of the conflict on the right side. You have the ability and are encouraged to correct the conflict and resync. 

PMS Integration Menu Options

All menu options are listed under the gear icon on the management app. Property Staff can see them, but can’t change them. Property Administrators can change the auto-email setting, Future Residents settings, Excluded Resident Types, and Move-Outs-Based-on-Status. Other settings (Resident-Syncing-Enabled, Excluded-Units, Excluded-Residents) cannot be changed by Property Staff or Property Administrators. When changes need to be made to these, properties should call STRATIS support.


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