Deleting A Staff User
This page and all others on the help site will be retired in Q4 2024. Please refer to the new help site by clicking the Help icon in the top-right corner of the STRATIS Management application.
Sometimes you’ll need to remove Staff users from your STRATIS Managemet App to ensure that they no longer have access to your property. There’s no way to bulk-delete Staff users. This must be done one at a time.
Select People.
Select Staff.
In the drop down Staff list, select the Staff user to be removed, then Remove.
Confirm that you would like to remove this Staff member.
Removing a Staff member’s user account will automatically revoke their mobile key, but if they have a smart key assigned to them then you will also need to reassign that smart key or return that smart key. If they didn’t return their smart key before departing, you’ll need to return that smart key without credential, then program all of the doors the smart key had access to in order to block that individual’s access to your property.
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