Making Toggle, Freeze, Lockout and Passthrough Keys - Schlage

Making Toggle, Freeze, Lockout and Passthrough Keys - Schlage

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A toggle key is a smart key for a common area or amenity lock. When tapped to the lock, it will stay unlocked until the toggle key is tapped to that lock again, at which point the lock returns to its original locked state.

Freeze keys are smart keys written for common area or amenity locks. When tapped to the lock, it will temporarily block all access, even if an individual has a key that normally allows access to that lock. If you’re doing maintenance on your pool, for example, and want to block anyone from entering the door to the pool until the work is completed, you could write a freeze key and then tap the lock with that freeze key before and after the time it takes to complete the maintenance.

Passthrough keys are keys written to be the one exception to a freeze key. With a passthrough key, a user can bypass a lock which has been frozen with a freeze key.

To make any of these types of keys:

  1. Select People.

  2. Select View Staff Keys.

  3. Select your relevant Staff member from the list, followed by the relevant building/unit(s).

  4. Give your new smart key a name.

  5. Under Credential Function, in the drop down menu for Function Type, choose your desired type of smart key.

  6. Select Next.

  7. In the next screen, you’ll be asked to enter your password, then Confirm.

A lockout key is a smart key made for a Resident that will only work for one hour. There’s no way to edit the time window for that smart key’s access. This can be used for a Resident who has forgotten their keys at work, for example, and doesn’t need a totally new smart key, but still needs a way to get into their unit for the day.

To make a lockout key:

  1. Select Places.

  2. Choose your relevant unit.

  3. Expand the unit’s list of Locks.

  4. Select Make Key to the right of your relevant lock in the lock list.

  5. From the new drop down menu, select Create Lockout Key. If the unit has multiple Residents, also select the Resident who will receive the smart key.

  6. Select Make Key.

  7. In the pop up window that appears, give a reason for the key, then select Next.

  8. Check your information, then Confirm.

  9. Place a blank smart key on your MT20W and wait for 3 quick beeps when the smart key has been programmed successfully.

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