Editing Existing Staff Smart Keys - Schlage
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In many cases, it’s best to remove a Staff smart key and create an entirely new one. If you’d like to edit an existing Staff smart key, note that in doing so your smart key has the following limitations:
You can’t remove access from an existing Staff smart key when you go to edit it.
You can’t change the type of the Staff smart key. For example you can’t change a regular smart key into a freeze key.
You can’t edit schedules for smart keys.
If you want to add access to an existing smart key, you must first tour all the locks the smart key currently has access to, before adding additional locks to it.
To Edit an Existing Staff Smart Key:
Select a smart key from the Staff Keys list.
Select Edit Key. In this menu, you can complete the following:
Reassign the smart key to another Staff member by selecting the new Staff member’s name from the drop down Staff Member list. If you don’t want to change the owner, you can leave the existing owner selected and select Next.
If desired, add additional access points to the smart key in the next screen. Keep in mind the smart key’s 11 slot limit when adding access points. You can’t remove access from this screen.
Before adding access, tour every access point that the Staff key currently has access to before adding additional access points. Failure to do so will prevent the smart key from granting access to existing access points.
If you choose not to edit the smart key’s access at all, leave everything as-is and select Next.
In the next screen, edit the credential name. If you don’t want to change the name, leave everything as-is and select Next.
Enter your password to confirm any changes, then Confirm.
Select the MT20W reader. Then place the smart key on the MT20W and follow the instructions in the panel.
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