Ringing Users - Comelit
This page and all others on the help site will be retired in Q4 2024. Please refer to the new help site by clicking the Help icon in the top-right corner of the STRATIS Management application.
Ringing Android Users
When a Visitor rings the Resident, the Resident will first see a notification before being able to audio/video chat their visitor. Each Resident in a unit will also receive these notifications in their Comelit app. If the Resident doesn’t respond via the app, the Comelit system will then try calling the Resident and everyone in the Resident’s unit via traditional phone call.
Ringing iOS Users
When a Visitor rings the Resident, the Resident and all other Residents in that unit immediately receive a phone call. They’ll see buttons that either let them turn video on/off (to video chat natively), or a Comelit button that will open up the app itself, where the Resident can video and audio chat. No notification is sent in the Comelit app.
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