Moving In Residents - Comelit

Moving In Residents - Comelit

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Moving In Residents

When residents are moved in (on either PMS or non-PMS properties), they’ll receive two emails when their mobile keys are created. One email will be the standard STRATIS account activation email. The second will be an email directly from Comelit instructing them to download the Comelit mobile app. It’s important that the resident activate both their STRATIS and Comelit accounts using the same email address with which they were enrolled in STRATIS.

Comelit will send a verification email to the Resident after they register a new Comelit account via their invite email. After verifying their account, the Resident should log in to the app, then follow the wizard on screen to enable the correct permissions, then select Door Entry. If this part of the process isn’t completed, they won’t receive Comelit rings.


PMS-Integrated Properties

For PMS-integrated properties with automatic mobile access settings turned on, residents will be automatically moved in and synced to the Comelit system. Both their email (for audio/video via Comelit app) and their phone numbers (for a backup phone call if the resident doesn’t respond in the Comelit app when someone calls) will be synced to the Comelit panel. Properties still granting mobile access to Residents manually will need to manually manage Comelit via the Non-PMS-Integrated Property steps below.

If for some reason the syncing to Comelit fails, the move-in into STRATIS will still be successful. However, Staff will still see the error (User creation Failed. Error creating Comelit user) notifying them that the user is not in Comelit.

Non-PMS-Integrated Properties

For non-PMS integrated properties, move in a resident as you normally would.

  1. Make sure to check the Mobile Activation checkbox and enter the user’s email address and phone number.

    1. If you don’t enter a phone number, when the resident signs up for the STRATIS Mobile App and they go through the flow of registering their phone number, this phone number will get synced to Comelit.

  2. A Sync to Comelit button will automatically appear and will be default checked.

  3. Continue with remaining move-in flows (ie. +Add Amenities or +Add Resident).

If move-in fails, staff will see an error (User creation Failed. Error creating Comelit user). In this case, they can try to move in again or they can uncheck the Sync to Comelit button and move in the resident. However, to resolve the sync issues, they will have to call STRATIS support.

If move-in fails because there are not enough open slots in the Comelit unit, staff will see the error No Empty User IDs in Comelit Panel. In this case, uncheck the Sync user to Comelit checkbox and then reattempt move-in.

Resident Privacy Concerns

If you have encounter a Resident who requests not to have their name shown on a Comelit panel, for privacy/security reasons, steps vary depending on whether your property has a PMS integration.

  • If your property is using automatic mobile activation upon PMS move-in, there’s no way to remove that user. You’ll need to contact STRATIS Support to complete this request.

  • If your property is NOT using automatic mobile activation upon PMS move-in, this cannot be done in the Management App; rather, specific steps need to be completed in the Comelit application. Please contact your Comelit support person for assistance.

  • If your property is not PMS-integrated, when you go to grant mobile access to the Resident, simply uncheck the Sync user to Comelit button in the Management App.

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