Ringing Users - ButterflyMX

Ringing Users - ButterflyMX

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Ringing iOS Users

When an unannounced Visitor arrives at a property, they can request access by calling their known Resident via the ButterflyMX panel directory.

1. The Visitor taps on Directory, searches for the Resident’s name, then taps on Call.

The Visitor starts the call by tapping on Directory
The Visitor can search for the Resident’s name from the Directory

2. The Resident will receive the call on their mobile phone and can choose to deny or accept the call. If the Resident denies the call, the Visitor can initiate a call again via the panel.

3. If the Resident accepts the call, the STRATIS mobile app will open the native call UI and they can take the call either through audio-only or video.

4. The Visitor’s video feed will show on the Resident’s device at which point the Resident can decide to either remotely unlock the ButterflyMX panel for the Visitor or choose additional audio/video options (turn on/off video, mute/unmute the audio call).

5. When the Resident selects Open Door, the door is remotely unlocked for the Visitor and indicated by a message on the ButterflyMX panel screen. The call is automatically terminated.

Ringing Android Users

When an unannounced Visitor arrives at the property, they can request access by calling their known Resident via the ButterflyMX panel Directory.

  1. The Visitor taps on Directory, searches for the Resident’s name and then taps on Call.



  2. The Resident will receive the call on their mobile phone and can choose to deny or accept the call. If the Resident denies the call, the Visitor can initiate a call again via the panel.

  3. If the Resident accepts the call, the STRATIS mobile app will open the native call UI and they can take the call either through audio-only or video.


  4. The Visitor’s video feed will show on the Resident’s device at which point the Resident can decide to either remotely unlock the ButterflyMX panel for the Visitor or choose additional audio/video options (turn on/off video, mute/unmute the audio call).

  5. When the Resident selects Open Door, the door is remotely unlocked for the Visitor and indicated by a message on the ButterflyMX panel screen. The call is automatically terminated.

What if Residents have both the STRATIS and ButterflyMX app installed on their phone?

In most cases, the ButterflyMX mobile app will be the first to notify the user.

  • On Android, both apps will receive a call notification. The notification for the ButterflyMX app will come in first, directly followed by the STRATIS app notification overlapping the ButterflyMX notification. The delay between notifications can be anywhere from 3-4 seconds.

  • iOS will only show the notification for the app to notify first, which is ButterflyMX.

  • This means that if you’re an iOS user and you have both apps installed on your phone, you’ll always receive the call from the ButterflyMX app.

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