Advanced Troubleshooting Steps for the MT20W - Schlage

Advanced Troubleshooting Steps for the MT20W - Schlage

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First Steps to Troubleshoot

  1. Open the Engage app on your mobile device or tablet.

  2. Select your property.

  3. Select the tab Devices and scroll to the MT20W Credential Reader you want to troubleshoot.

  4. Select the reader and let it connect.

  5. If the MT20W does not connect, select back and try again. Try a few times to make sure that this step is definitely failing.

  6. Once you get the connected message at the bottom of your screen select Settings

  7. From this point you’ll be able to attempt all troubleshooting steps highlighted below.

The MT20W Golden Rule

Your first step to resolving most MT20W issues is to unplug the reader, wait a few seconds, then plug it back in. This usually solves most of the connectivity problems you’ll run into once your reader is commissioned. For example, if you come back to make a smart key but the reader light is solid red, unplug it and then plug it back in and it should automatically look for and connect to the network.

Troubleshoot the Commissioning Process

Cannot select correct device to commission

If you run into an issue while trying to connect to the device and don’t see anything listed when prompted to select a reader, you should attempt a factory reset of the reader and try again.

Reader will not connect to the WiFi network

If you can’t connect the reader to a network, first confirm that the network name and password are correct. If you know the name and password are correct but still can’t connect then you may be trying to connect to a 5.0 Ghz network. Readers can only connect to 2.4 GHz networks. Instead of using WiFi mode try to commission the reader using USB mode, or alternatively reach out to your IT team to split off a 2.4 GHz network to use for your MT20W.

Reader is commissioned but could not connect to the WiFi network

  1. After you Exit you should now be able to see your reader listed in your device list on Engage.

  2. Follow the steps listed at the top of this page to connect to the reader with your phone or tablet.

  3. Once connected select Settings.

  4. Under General, select Communication Mode. This will bring you to the network settings page.

  5. From here you’ll be able to add a new network name and password and confirm the settings are correct.

  6. Settings to confirm under Host Configuration:

    • Config: DNS

    • Server: allegion-api.stratisems.com

    • Security: Secured

    • When everything is correct, Save.

    • From here you can back out to the device list to disconnect your phone from the reader.

    • The reader will begin flashing blue quickly to indicate that it’s searching for the network.

    • Solid blue means that it has connected to the network and is ready to write smart keys.

Troubleshoot the Factory Reset Process

If you can’t complete a factory reset (FDR) then try again. Sometimes it takes a few tries for the FDR to fully complete. If after a few tries you cannot FDR your reader, please reach out to Allegion Support to troubleshoot further.

If you don’t have the factory reset card needed to complete a factory reset you’ll need to reach out to your distributor or Allegion Support to receive a new one.

Troubleshoot Writing Smart Keys

My reader is commissioned but solid red

If your device has already been commissioned and you were able to make smart keys before, then the first thing to try is unplugging your reader, waiting a few seconds and then plugging it back in. This should hopefully force your reader to reconnect to the network

If the above does not work you’ll then need to connect to the reader and verify the that network settings and configuration settings are correct and match the settings above. Occasionally your WiFi network will have a network name change or a password change and you’ll need to reconnect your reader to the new network.

My reader is solid blue but when I attempt to make a smart key it fails

  1. Go to your reports section in STRATIS and select Key Log.

  2. Select your reader.

  3. If you don't see any failed or successful attempts in the report then your MT20W reader is most likely not pointed to the correct server.

  4. Connect to your reader with the Engage app on your phone or tablet.

  5. Select Settings and in the communication mode menu, confirm that the settings reflect:

    1. Config: DNS

    2. Server: allegion-api.stratisems.com

    3. Security: Secured

  6. If in the Key Log you see a failed attempt, this means that the server is correct and the reader is communicating with our servers. If this is the first smart key you’re attempting to write, try again using a different smart key. Sometimes the first try fails and a second attempt is necessary.

    1. If you see failed requests in your Key Log you can hover your mouse over the Failed link to see why it failed. The smart key could be blocked on one or more of the locks you are trying to program to it. If this is the case the key cannot be unblocked and you will need to use another smart key for this write.

  7. If you’re unable to see any attempts and have tried the above steps, factory reset the reader, commission it again, and attempt to write the smart key again. If this fails please contact Allegion Support at 877.671.7011 (Option 2) as they’ll be able to diagnose the issue and determine if the hardware is malfunctioning.

Credential write is unsuccessful

When writing smart keys with the MT20W you might occasionally see the error message Credential Write Unsuccessful. This can be fixed by upgrading your MT20Ws firmware to the newest version. For assistance upgrading the MT20W firmware please contact Allegion Support at (877) 671-7011 and select Option 2, Option 2, and Option 2.

Smart keys that are written and receive this error message will work if you download new door files and program the locks the smart key is supposed to have access to. However, that is not how the system is supposed to work and upgrading the firmware will allow for no tour operations to resume.

Smart keys written with this error code will need to be returned in order to remove them from the lock's door file.

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