Property Setup Menu - dormakaba
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What is a Common Area?
Common areas are places on a property accessible to all Residents. Anyone who lives there will have access to these areas just by the basis of living there. This could be a hallway, a gym, etc. Residents have access to these areas without having to pay any additional fee.
Common areas are set up in dormakaba Keyscan or dormakaba Community, depending on the software your property has purchased. Once set in your dormakaba software, STRATIS' integration with dormakaba automatically grants access to these areas when making keys, based on the user groups also set up in dormakaba software. For example, if you set a Staff group in Keyscan to have access to all hallways and pools, any Staff key written in STRATIS would automatically have these access privileges includes. If Residents in the Resident group had different access, such as limited hallways, this separate access would automatically be written to Resident keys made in STRATIS.
View the layout of a property’s Resident units and Staff areas.
Add and edit the name of unit groups, units, and locks.
Move unit groups and units around to different areas and types of units.
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