Features of the STRATIS Mobile App
Let's take a tour around the STRATIS Mobile App. In addition to allowing you to use your phone to unlock your front door, the app is your easy way to control all your smart devices and access points.
1. Open the STRATIS Mobile App on your mobile phone and log in if you haven’t already. If this is your first time logging in, take a few minutes to run through the quick tutorial provided in the app.
2. The first page you see when you open the app is called your dashboard. The dashboard is where your most important devices will live for your easy access. Learn more about adding or removing items from your dashboard here.
3. To see a list of all your devices, select Devices.
From here you can search for a device by name or sort by device type.
On the search bar you can tap the 3 lines located on the right side.
This allows you to sort by each device's nearby status, alphabetically, or device type.
4. To see or manage your scenes, select Scenes in the top right.
You can toggle this on or off so that you’ll be prompted to turn your devices off or on when you leave a location.
You can set schedules to complete a multitude of actions, like automatically turning smart devices on or off, or changing set point or mode on thermostats.
A scene is a setting created to execute multiple actions on multiple devices with just one click or trigger.
The app contains three stock scenes: Home, Away, and Asleep.
Tapping the Blue Circle in the bottom right of the screen will allow you to create your own additional scenes.
5. Back on the Dashboard you’ll see a three stripe menu button located in the top left.
This menu allows you to add Visitors to your property if they have this permission for its Residents set to on.
You can schedule Visitors for specific time slots or give them 24 hour access within a certain set or number of days.
If your property uses STRATIS maintenance, you can submit maintenance tickets through your mobile app.
Here you can change your theme from light to dark.
Set your temperature scale from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
Change your unlock mode from swipe to unlock to long press to unlock.
Rewatch the interactive tutorial that goes over how to use different parts of the STRATIS app.
What's New?
Quickly view release notes for the newest version of the app.
View our help site and easily contact our support team.
See the app version number, Privacy Statement, EULA, and Terms of Service.
See STRATIS' Privacy Policy and adjust your Data Preferences.
Happy unlocking!
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