STRATIS Mobile App Troubleshooting Guides
Did you know that your STRATIS Mobile App has tutorials built in to help its users?
Select the three lines in the top left of your app screen to open the main menu, then select Tutorials.
App Download
Make sure that you’re downloading our newest STRATIS Mobile App and not our legacy app from your phone’s app store.
Your Property Manager will send you an invitation to use your phone to unlock doors when you move into your unit. For the Mobile App to work, you’ll need to accept this invitation before signing in. The Mobile App also operates in conjunction with your Property Manager’s version of the App. It might be necessary for them to update some information on their end to allow you to fully access all devices and features.
Location Permissions
STRATIS needs to access your phone’s location services to work properly.
For Android Phones:
1. Find and select your Settings menu.
2. Select Location.
3. Select App Access to Location. You’ll see all your phone’s apps, broken into several lists. Find the STRATIS Mobile App and select it.
4. In the new screen just for the Mobile App, choose Allow only while using the app or Allow all the time from the list of options. Either will grant the Mobile App access to your phone.
For iOS (iPhones):
1. Find and select Settings, then Privacy, followed by Location Services.
2. Make sure that your location services is toggled on.
3. Scroll down your screen and find the STRATIS Mobile App.
4. Select the app and choose While Using the App or Always.
Our Mobile App uses bluetooth to talk to locks. You’ll need to turn this on to use the app.
For Android Phones:
1. Swipe down from the top of your screen.
2. Select and toggle Bluetooth to On.
For iOS (iPhones):
iOS users should note that when they first download and open the STRATIS Mobile App, they’ll be promoted to allow the app to use Bluetooth. You must select Ok or even if your Bluetooth is turned on, the app can’t use your Bluetooth. If you mistakenly select Don’t Allow when prompted, you’ll need to do one of the following:
1. Uninstall and reinstall the app to reset the permission message. If you’ve already set up your dashboard in the app, this will delete all those settings.
2. In your iPhone settings, scroll to the bottom of the list to view all your apps. Select STRATIS and make sure Bluetooth is allowed.
Once this permission has been allowed, turn your phone’s Bluetooth on.
1. Find and select Settings.
2. Select Bluetooth. Make sure that your Bluetooth is toggled to On.
Browser Settings
Whichever browser you use on your phone will need to have cookies turned On for the Mobile App to properly log in and communicate with devices. This is especially important to note for Firefox and Safari users, as their cookies settings are more likely to be Off as a default.
How to turn on cookies in Firefox
How to turn on cookies in Safari
How to turn on cookies in Chrome
Determining Your Lock Type
Your troubleshooting steps will differ depending on the brand of lock your unit uses. Determine which lock is your lock by visually comparing it to the following pictures.
1. Schlage
2. Dormakaba
4. Yale
If your lock doesn’t match one of these pictures, you can alternatively look in your mobile app to determine your lock type.
Under each available lock, you’ll find your lock’s brand name. Some will also show the lock’s model number.
For example, a Schlage lock shows this information:
A dormakaba lock shows this information:
For Resident Users
App Login Errors
If you as a Visitor or Resident can’t see units or devices, you’ll need to contact your Property Manager.
The Property Manager will need to:
Make sure that you’ve been granted access to your particular unit.
Check that you’ve activated their account. If not, they’ll resend the activation email and you’ll need to click through to activate.
If you’ve recently changed your phone number or bought a new phone, management will need to reset your device to your new number or phone in their Management App.
Lock Not Granting Access
For Schlage locks:
If the lock blinks red for an extended period, it may mean that the phone and lock are out of sequence. Ensure that your phone has a solid Wi-Fi or data connection, and refresh your lock list in the app by pulling down on your app screen.
If your phone is connected to other Bluetooth-enabled devices such as headsets (ex. AirPods), this may result in the lock taking longer to unlock or not being able to unlock at all. In this case, we recommend disconnecting your phone from the headsets, refreshing your lock list by pulling down on the app screen, and then attempting to unlock your lock again.
If you’re near several other Bluetooth devices (ex. other phones, tablets, etc. that are broadcasting Bluetooth signals), this may also result in the same symptoms as the above bullet point. Try turning Bluetooth off on the other devices and refreshing your lock list.
For dormakaba locks:
dormakaba locks are unlocked by first activating a mobile key in the app, then starting communication with the lock by tapping to trigger Bluetooth communication.
If the lock is tapped without activating the lock in the app, it will not work.
If the lock is tapped by anything prior to the mobile key communicating with it, it will not work reliably.
To use your app to unlock your unit lock, you’ll need to tap your phone or another piece of metal (standard brass keys, jewelry, etc.) to the unit lock to activate it.
Please note that:
Tapping should be done with your phone rather than a metal object unless you are not seeing a yellow flash on the lock.
The lock must be activated in the app prior to tapping.
Never tap if the lock appears as "loading."
If your phone has a glass back, a thick case, or a magnet on the case, your phone may not be able to activate the lock. If so, try taking your phone case off or tapping the lock with the front of the phone screen facing the lock.
If taking the case off isn’t an option, use other pieces of metal like keychain rings, physical brass keys, jewelry, etc.
If you try to use your mobile key to unlock a door and see the message dormakaba unavailable, please contact manager, this likely means that the mobile key wasn’t successfully delivered to your phone.
Make sure you have a strong data or Wi-Fi connection
Pull down to refresh your dashboard in the app.
If the first two steps don't resolve the issue, delete and reinstall the app.
If the issue persists, contact your Property Staff. They will likely have to reissue a mobile key to you.
For dormakaba and SALTO locks:
If the unlock button is visible, the unlock cycle could be completely offline. Try tapping the button on your screen, then putting your phone up to lock.
If the unlock button isn’t visible and shows other information like Loading or Contact property staff, this likely means that the key wasn’t created successfully. Contact your Property Manager.
For iOS users:
We’ve received reports of unreliable unlocking for all Bluetooth locks when the user is connected to other Bluetooth devices like Airpods. The locks will populate on your screen, but tapping/swiping the lock to connect will show “BLE Timeout” as the error. If you see this error:
Disconnect your Airpods or connected Bluetooth device.
Force quit the Mobile App.
Turn your Bluetooth off, then back on.
Reopen the Mobile App.
Check to make sure you have Wi-Fi or data connectivity.
Refresh your lock list by pulling down on the app screen.
Attempt to unlock the door.
If your smart key or mobile key is still unable to unlock your door, contact your property staff.
For all users:
Having your phone connected to multiple Bluetooth devices at once, such as headphones and fitness trackers, will slow down your phone’s unlocking capabilities significantly. If your app is slow or stuck during unlocking, try disconnecting one or more of the devices connected to your phone.
Your app may be working properly, but the issue may be your unit lock. Unit locks are powered by batteries. These batteries last a long time, but do occasionally need to be changed. Likewise, that lock may need a firmware update if the lock’s manufacturer has updated their firmware recently and your property has not yet pushed this update to your lock. Both of these should be done by your Property Staff, if other troubleshooting steps you try on your own fail, before contacting STRATIS for additional assistance.
Phone Connectivity
Phone connectivity can affect your phone’s ability to interact with STRATIS devices. Large properties might have strong data or Wi-Fi signals in some areas, but weak spots with poor signals in others.
For Schlage locks:
Residents will be able to complete a single unlock if they’ve lost connectivity, until internet connectivity is restored.
For dormakaba locks:
Ensure you have a solid data or Wi-Fi connection when you open the app. When you’re first granted a mobile key, a solid data or Wi-Fi connection is required to open the STRATIS Mobile App for the first time. As long as the app is opened, your unit is loaded, and you see a blue bar on your unit key that says Press and hold to Unlock, your mobile key will reliably work from that point on even if your data or Wi-Fi connection drops.
Deleting and reinstalling the app, pulling down the dashboard to refresh your device and lock list, and logging out and logging back in will require a strong data or Wi-Fi connection until your mobile key loads in the app and the blue bar with the message Press and hold to Unlock appears.
For Staff Users
Any time that you or a Resident experience an issue with mobile unlocking of a unit lock, your first step should be to check that that Resident or Staff person has appropriate access in the STRATIS Management App. If access is correctly granted, you should next check that the lock in question has both the most up-to-date firmware via the lock’s manufacturer, and adequately powered batteries. Our guide encourages your Residents to reach out to you to check their battery or firmware status if other basic troubleshooting steps fail them. Check both of these for that particular lock before contacting STRATIS support.
App Login Errors
If a Visitor or Resident can’t see units or devices, you’ll need to:
Make sure that you’ve granted the individual access to that particular unit.
Check that the individual has activated their account. If not, resend the activation email.
If the individual has recently changed their phone number or bought a new phone, check that management has reset their device in the Resident Panel of the Management App.
If a staff user can’t see units or devices, you’ll need to:
Make sure that you’ve granted the individual access to that particular unit.
Check that the individual has activated their account. If not, resend the activation email.
If the individual has recently changed their phone number or bought a new phone, check that management has reset their device in the Resident Panel of the Management App.
Phone Connectivity
Phone connectivity can affect your phone’s ability to interact with STRATIS devices. Large properties might have strong data or Wi-Fi signals in some areas, but weak spots with poor signals in others. In many cases, if something isn’t working, we recommend confirming a data or Wi-Fi connection to the user’s phone as a first step.
For Schlage Locks:
Schlage and Chirp locks are especially dependent on data and Wi-Fi connections as they don’t operate on Bluetooth.
Staff users will be able to complete a single unlock if they’ve lost connectivity, until internet connectivity is restored.
For Brivo Locks:
Brivo access varies by property - each property chooses to set their unlocking to operate on either Bluetooth or pulse to cloud. Depending on which you choose, your users will experience different issues and require different troubleshooting.
For SALTO and dormakaba Locks:
Salto and dormakaba locks require a solid data or Wi-Fi connection when opening the Mobile App only. As long as the app is opened and your unit is loaded, further unlocking within that unit can happen without additional Wi-Fi or data connection.
Lock Not Granting Access
Note that these steps don’t apply to Brivo or Chirp access points, which are hardwired and always available as long as there is a consistent internet connection. If you’ve made a smart key for a Resident or a staff user and that smart key is not resulting in access on its designated dormakaba, Schlage, or SALTO lock:
Confirm that the smart key was successfully made in the Management App. You should have seen a confirmation message after the smart key was made.
Try the smart key on the door.
If the smart key fails, bring it back to the property office and read the smart key to ensure that it’s been written as expected.
Export a door audit report for the door relating to this access issue. If in the audit you see that the key is not meant to work on the door, you’ll need to reprogram the door. Door file corruption can occur from inconsistent door touring. How you reprogram the door will depend on your lock type. Instructions for this can be found in your Management App guide.
Locks Not Showing Up Once Logged In
For all locks:
Make sure that the staff user’s phone is connected to data or Wi-Fi, then check the phone’s settings and clear their Bluetooth cache.
Clearing Bluetooth Cache:
Go to the Settings on your Android device.
Select Application Manager or Apps (Depends on the Android OS)
Click the 3 dots in the top right corner and select All System Apps.
Scroll and tap on the Bluetooth app.
Stop the device’s Bluetooth app by tapping Force Stop.
Next tap Clear Cache.
Restart the phone
Turn off Bluetooth and restart the phone
Locks may also momentarily disappear or be replaced by other locks within range if you stay on your dashboard for an extended period of time. Drag down on your screen to refresh and be sure to connect to the correct lock as it appears.
For Chirp Locks:
Ensure that the user is active within STRATIS and actually has access to these Chirp APs.
Check to see if the user has been synched to the Chirp system. Superusers can navigate to Chirp section of Mgmt App > Manage Chirp Users and make sure that the Resident has been synced to Chirp AND that they have an active user role.
If NOT, escalate to Support Engineering.
Note: Residents are synced to Chirp automatically once they have been granted a key (mobile or hard) or a pin code. Staff users are synced to Chirp immediately upon creation of that staff user in STRATIS.
Control of Vacant Devices and Units
For all lock types, make sure that you’re in an area of good data or Wi-Fi connectivity before pulling down on your app screen to refresh the list or mobile key.
Note that for Resident security reasons, we do not allow any Property Staff member to see or control devices in occupied units.
If your property has IoT devices:
Locks will automatically show up in vacant units, but IoT devices must be explicitly selected in your Property Staff’s app to appear in vacant units.
In My Devices, locate and select the yellow filter icon.
When a Staff user logs in to the Mobile App for the first time, pop up explaining the filter tool will appear. The pop up won’t reappear in future.
In the new filter menu, select the devices you’d like to show up in your vacant units. Once selected, the appearance of these devices will persist across sessions as long as the user is on the same phone, as this information is stored on your actual phone and not in the cloud.
For dormakaba and SALTO locks:
SALTO doesn’t currently support vacant unit access. Access will need to be granted by selecting each specific unit manually, as the Any vacant unit option isn’t available for this lock type.
For Schlage, dormakaba, and SALTO locks:
Schlage grants staff access to all vacant units when vacant unit access is checked off, not just one unit. If you have hundreds of units, it may take extra time for the staff user’s mobile app to load all vacant units.
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