Reports Menu - SALTO

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The STRATIS Management App allows users to view an extensive log of activities on the property. You can sort and search the data by different criteria and download these reports to CSV files to print out and/or store locally. STRATIS stores these reports on its servers. It's not necessary to store these reports locally. Note that some report options will be greyed out. This means that for SALTO properties, these reports aren’t available.

From the Reports menu, SALTO properties can access the following reports:

  • Activity Log: View a list of user logins and tabs/sections visited.

  • Key Log: View a list of fobs that have been created, returned or requested from each MT20W card reader on a site.

  • Residents: View a list of residents, their unit numbers, assigned fobs and mobile app activation dates.

  • Credentials: View a list of fobs and mobile accounts.

  • Places: View a list of all units and unit groups on a given property site.

  • Visitor Access: View lists of past, current and invited visitors.

  • Mobile Unlock Events: View a list of mobile unlocking events for Common, Amenity, and Staff areas.

  • Mobile Activations: View a list of mobile activations on a property.

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