Edit an Existing Unit or Unit Group - Schlage

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Occasionally you may need to change a unit type or lock type on an already established unit or unit group.


Edit an Existing Unit

  1. Select Property Setup.

  2. Select Layout.

  3. Select the unit to be edited.

  4. In the View Unit popup that appears, select Edit. Now you can change the unit name, the unit type, or move the unit to a different unit group.

  5. Save.

Edit an Existing Unit Group

  1. Select Property Setup.

  2. Select Layout.

  3. Select Edit Unit Groups

  4. Select the unit group you want to edit and Continue.

  5. In this menu you can:

    • Change the name of the unit group

    • Change the unit group type

    • Remove the unit group

    • Move the unit group to another parent unit group

      • Select Move.

      • Select the top-level unit group you would like to move your unit group into.

        • Use the green icon to view inside a unit group.

      • Select.

      • Confirm the action by selecting Move​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.

  6. Save after making any name or group type changes.

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