Supplemental SALTO SPACE Guide

Supplemental SALTO SPACE Guide

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Supplemental SPACE Guide

We’ve included a few helpful steps for actions completed in SPACE relating to actions taken in the STRATIS Management App. Note that this info is pulled directly from SALTO’s customer guide, and is not made by STRATIS. If you have questions about the actions listed here, please contact SALTO’s support team.

Privacy Mode

Privacy mode is a crucial SALTO feature created in SPACE to prevent authorized users from opening doors once activated.

Resident Example

In units with multiple Residents, all Resident keys will have privacy override for their roommates' keys. This will prevent the scenario where one roommate might accidentally lock out another.

Staff Example

A Staff member may have an extra setting enabled on their SALTO SPACE profile which allows them to override privacy mode. If the Staff member tries to access the bathroom member’s key won’t automatically have privacy mode override unless it’s an emergency key. If a Staff member with an emergency key tries to access a door’s lock while it's in privacy mode, the lock does not immediately open and flashes red three times. However, after the third red flash, the door flashes green and allows the Staff member to override the privacy setting and open the bathroom door lock.

Read Smart Keys

  1. Open SPACE.

  2. Select Read Key.

  3. The NCoder will automatically start flashing green.

  4. Put the smart key right on the mark on the NCoder.

  5. When troubleshooting, please send STRATIS a screenshot of the Reject Data section and the Key Accesses section.

Managing Staff/Maintenance/Vendor Smart Keys

Creating Staff Smart Keys

Staff smart keys can be created in SPACE for general staff, maintenance staff, vendors, etc. The steps for creating and managing these keys are the same regardless of the intended end user.

  1. Select Cardholders > Users > Add (in the bottom right corner).

  2. Enter in the user’s Name and other optional information.

  3. Under Key Options, select Audit openings in the key. For audits to be stored on the smart key, each individual SALTO lock must be set up with Audit on Keys checked off under Door Options.

    1. Optionally, you can also choose to include Override privacy under Door Options. This would allow the smart key to override any privacy options enabled on a lock. This is a very security-sensitive feature and properties should only create smart keys with this functionality for trusted Staff members.

  4. Set the user activation (set automatically, is required, but can be changed) and user expiration time, if desired.

  5. You can optionally Enable revalidation of key expiration. This feature will temporarily invalidate the smart key if the user has not used their smart key on an online SALTO lock after the selected update period (in this case 30 days). If a user doesn’t use their smart key on an online SALTO lock at least once during the update period, then their smart key will stop working. To make their smart key work again, they should use the smart key on an online SALTO access point that they have access to. This will re-validate their smart key.

  6. Save.

  7. Once this smart key is made, assign it specific Doors, Zones or User Access Levels. SALTO recommends utilizing user access levels as much as possible rather than creating smart keys with access to individual doors or zones.

  8. Select User Access Levels. Then select the + icon in the bottom right of your screen.

  9. Select the desired access levels for the user. If you need to create additional user access levels, go to Cardholders > User Access Levels and create additional levels.

    1. If you do choose to give the user access to specific access points or zones, you’ll have to remember that when you want to change this access, you’ll need to remove any access points as well as zones.

  10. Use the Same as key option in the Days period menu to ensure that the user’s smart key will work on its relevant SALTO locks for the time period set when creating the smart key. However, if you wanted to provide only certain timed access to certain access points (ex. a Maintenance Staff person can only access the Team Blue access level on Monday - Friday from 9am EST to 5pm EST), you could set this timed access in the Start date and End date fields under the Days period menu.

  11. Save and Close.

  12. Select Assign Key and follow instructions in the pop-up to create a smart key with your NCoder.

  13. Once a smart key is successfully made for the user, the banner in their user profile will update to include the below information.

Editing Staff Smart Keys

  1. To edit, navigate to Cardholders > Users > select desired user.

  2. Change the access points, user access levels, zones, expiration dates, and timetables for the access points, zones and user access levels.

    1. We highly recommend using User Access Levels at all times rather than assigning individual access points and zones.

  3. Once you make a change there will be a red button in the banner to indicate an update is required.

  4. Select Update Key in the banner and follow the instructions that pop up.

Returning and Cancelling Staff Keys For Properties With Online Locks

  1. Expired staff keys don’t have to be returned or cancelled. If someone attempts to use an expired smart key, it will simply not grant them access.

  2. Navigate to Users > Cardholders > Select an active key.

    1. Select the card.

    2. Select Cancel Key at the top.

    3. Online locks will immediately be notified (within 8 seconds) of a cancelled key. At this point, that key will no longer work on any online lock. Once that key (or any other key) is swiped on an online lock, it will carry the message of the blocked staff key to any online lock its swiped on.

Returning and Cancelling Staff Keys For Properties Without Any Online SALTO Locks

Exiting a Staff Member Without a Returned Smart Key
  1. Navigate to Users > Cardholders > Select an active key.

  2. Select the card.

  3. Select Cancel Key at the top.

  4. Create a new user. This is a dummy user, and can can be called something like Deny List or Blocked List. 

  5. Create a key for that user as you would any key, but don’t grant it any access points or zones. 

  6. Tour all relevant locks. 

  7. Feel free to use that smart key again for any future Resident or Staff key creation. 

Replacing a Lost Smart Key For a Staff Member
  1. Navigate to Users > Cardholders > Select an active key.

  2. Select the card.

  3. Select Cancel Key at the top.

  4. Create a new key for the same Staff user that lost their key.

  5. Tour all affected locks.

View Audits for Online SALTO Access Points

Note that this section applies only to properties using SALTO for common area and perimeter access points.

Wired and wirelessly connected SALTO access points will automatically store audits on the server.

  1. Navigate to Monitoring > Audit Trail > Advanced Filtering.

  2. Update the filters for the particular access points or users that are of interest. The default is set to all access points and all users, which will create a lengthy audit trail to parse through.

  3. Once done, use the Print button to export this trail, if desired, in Excel format.

Managing Access Point Schedules

  1. Navigate to Access Points > Access Point Timed Periods. This lets you create and manage timetables for each access point.

    1. Navigate to Access Points > Doors > Select a door. Under Opening Mode and Timed Periods, choose an opening mode, and if applicable a designated time period.

  2. Navigate to Cardholders > Cardholder timetables. These timetables define when a user is allowed to open a door with a valid smart key.

Audit Unit Locks

  1. Hold down the red button until the PPD turns on.

  2. Cycle through the menu using up/down buttons until you select Collect Audit Trail.

  3. Select the green Okay button.

  4. Connect to the unit lock with your cord, making sure that the up portion on the cord is facing up when plugged into the lock.

  5. Plug this into the unit lock. The lock will flash red and green.

  6. The PPD will say Updated.

  7. Put the PPD in the middle of the NCoder.

  8. Navigate to SPACE > System > PPD.

  9. Your NCoder will start flashing.

  10. Once the NCoder stops flashing, the process is complete.

  11. Navigate to Monitoring > Audit Trail.

  12. Once done, use the Print button to export this trail, if desired, in Excel format.


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