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This page and all others on the help site will be retired in Q4 2024. Please refer to the new help site by clicking the Help icon in the top-right corner of the STRATIS Management application. image-20240828-181023.pngImage Added

Hardware Needed:

  • STRATIS Tablet

  • Phillips head screwdriver

  • CO/CT cable

  • Mini USB cable

  1. Remove the CT5000 lid.

  2. Press and hold both the SCHLAGE and LINK buttons for 3 seconds.

  3. When the POWER/TAMPER LED turns off, release the buttons.

  4. After a 15 second delay, the CT5000 POWER/TAMPER LED and the reader’s LED will blink green for one second, and the reader will beep for one second.

  5. Replace the lid.