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This page and all others on the help site will be retired in Q4 2024. Please refer to the new help site by clicking the Help icon in the top-right corner of the STRATIS Management application. image-20240828-181023.pngImage Added

Table of Contents

General Overview


For Property Staff to be able to manage Visitor access and grant Visitors BMX virtual keys for access via the STRATIS Management app, the below steps must be taken by your Property Manager or an authorized ButterflyMX administrator.


On the ButterflyMX site, create a placeholder unit and a placeholder STRATIS Tenant.

  1. Log into with the credentials set up by the integrator.

  2. Navigate Units > + New Unit

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  3. Once the Unit has been set up, add a Tenant with name STRATIS User (this name doesn’t matter but it does show up in any texts or emails sent from BMX to users, so it should be appropriate) & email address butterflymx+<site name>

    1. We recommend that the site name directly match the site name in STRATIS

    2. Tenants > +Add Tenant > Save


Your property needs to alert STRATIS that the user has been created. STRATIS will set the integration up on our backend.


When a Staff member creates a Visitor through the STRATIS Management App, STRATIS seamlessly finds the placeholder user for your site and we request a QR code for the same times as the visit.


The Property Manager must:

  1. Ensure that their building has both ButterflyMX and Stratis set up.

  2. Ensure the property manager has an active ButterflyMX account.

  3. Contact your ButterflyMX CSM to inform them you want to enable the integration with Stratis.

By default, ButterflyMX users have their contact preference set to Phone Calls. This must be changed to Mobile App in order for the video call to work. To make this change:

  1. The tenant must log into with their ButterflyMX account

  2. Select Account in the upper right hand corner, followed by Settings.

  3. Scroll down to Contact Preferences and select Mobile App.

  4. Scroll down and Save Changes.

By default, ButterflyMX users have their contact preference set to Phone Calls. This must be changed to Mobile App in order for the video call to work. To make this change:
