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Note that in order to revoke a mobile key from a staff person, you have two options.
When a Staff member departs your property’s employment, it’s important to delete their Staff user right away. This ensures that they don’t have access to the property, units, and Management App, which is crucial for your security.
Upon deleting the Staff user, if there are any outstanding keys in their name, STRATIS will notify you upon trying to delete the Staff user. It’ll then require that those keys either be returned or reassigned to a different Staff user before allowing total deletion.
If Staff keys owned by a departing Staff user are not returned, you must go through the return staff key without credential steps.
If a Staff smart key is outstanding, navigate to the Staff Keys menu and return that key(s). If you do want to keep the smart keys, the wizard will allow you in that moment to reassign those keys. It’s fine to assign a departing Staff member’s smart keys to their replacement Staff member, but their Staff user must first be created to complete the reassignment.
If you want to revoke a Staff member’s mobile key but leave them access to devices, maintenance tickets and their previously assigned smart keys, you can’t delete their Staff user completely. For this scenario, you’d need to edit the Staff member’s mobile access to reflect zero units as accessible, and save. However, that Staff member will have access to all previously assigned units until they pull down and refresh the app. Don’t use this option for a departing Staff member, as they would still have access to Resident devices and maintenance tickets.