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Set Thermostat Setpoint Limits on Heating and Cooling in Occupied Units

Thermostat Setpoint Limits allows you to set minimum and maximum ranges for heating, cooling, or both.


  1. Select Devices, then Property Controls.

  2. Select General.


Select the fields next to Thermostat Heat Max and Thermostat Cool Min, enter the desired temperature for your Setting Value.


Toggling the Heat Max and Cool Min on or off will enable or disable these settings.


  1. To enable setpoint limits, activate the Off / On toggle for Thermostat Heat, Thermostat Cool, or both.

The first time you activate the toggle to On, default values of 55-78 (heat) and 63-85 (cool) are populated in the columns for Min and Max Values.

  1. Enter your desired limits in the Min Value and Max Value columns. Keep in mind the range of allowed values:

    1. The Min Value can be set from 0 - 120 degrees.

    2. The Max Value can be set from 40 - 120 degrees.


Set Property-Wide Thermostat Controls for Common Areas and Vacant Units

  1. Select Devices, then Property Controls.

  2. Select Thermostats.

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  3. Select a thermostat mode, then Confirm in the window that pops up.

  4. Adjust the thermostat set point by clicking either + or -.

    • To adjust settings in Auto, select the temperature to adjust before tapping + or -.

  5. Select Set Temp and confirm the changes.