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This page and all others on the help site will be retired in Q4 2024. Please refer to the new help site by clicking the Help icon in the top-right corner of the STRATIS Management application. image-20240828-181023.pngImage Added

Hardware Needed:

  • STRATIS Tablet

  • CO/CT cable

  • Mini USB cable

  1. Ensure that the tablet is connected to internet.

  2. Select Door Operations via the shortcut on the STRATIS homepage.

  3. Select Download Door Files.

  4. Select the units to be downloaded.

    1. The blue triangle on the left of the unit group lets you view units within the group.

    2. The blue plus sign lets you select an entire unit group or an individual unit.

  5. Select Download.

  6. Attach the CO/CT cable to the mini usb adapter and plug it into the tablet.

    1. Select Yes if the tablet asks you to use the USB device.

  7. Under Connect to Locks, select CO/CT.

  8. Plug the CO/CT cable into the top right of the CT5000.

  9. Select Set Door Time if prompted, otherwise select Program Door.

  10. The tablet will pull an audit from the lock and then program the lock with updated door files. When complete the Lock Programmed Successfully message will appear.