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This page and all others on the help site will be retired in Q4 2024. Please refer to the new help site by clicking the Help icon in the top-right corner of the STRATIS Management application. image-20240828-181023.pngImage Added

For properties with PMS integrations, your PMS will move your Resident in for you. If you have the future Resident syncing feature turned on, the resident will populate in the future Residents menu in advance of their move-in date, then automatically populate in their unit and leave the future Residents menu to appear in the Residents menu. Access via a mobile key will be granted either automatically or manually at this time, based on the settings of your property integrations menu. You can make the Resident’s smart key at any point once they’re synced from your PMS, either from the future Residents menu or the Resident’s profile in their unit once they’ve transitioned to current Resident.
You’ll still need to manually move in Residents if they’re minors or you need to make a spare key for a Resident by making a second fake resident for that relevant unit.

Residents who have a sync error will be listed at the bottom of the People menu. There you’ll also find a button which allows you to see sync error types. Property Administrators should use that information to manually correct sync errors. The sync automatically takes place every 4 hours in STRATIS, but will trigger immediately if this button is selected.

Note that any Resident who has two units on one property will need two separate smart keys, one for each unit. There is no way to put two units onto one smart key, as a failsafe to prevent accidental move out by keeping each unit on a separate smart key.

For non-PMS properties:

  1. Select Places, followed by the correct unit, group, or building. 

  2. Select the floor, and the desired unit. 

  3. Select Move In and enter the resident’s first and last name.


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  2. Choose if you wish to send mobile activation emails to your Resident.

    1. If you’re sending an activation email, select the checkbox Send Mobile Activation.

      1. If your property has amenities, select +Add Amenities, then +Add Resident.

      2. If your property doesn’t have amenities, select +Add Resident.

    2. If you’re choosing not to send activation emails, select +Add Resident.

  3. Select the Resident’s name to open their profile window.

  4. Select Make Key.

  5. Confirm that the information is correct.

  6. Select your NCoder.

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  7. Place the smart key on NCoder and select Make Key.

  8.  Wait several seconds and a pop-up will let you know when the smart key has been successfully created.

  9. Note that only one smart key will exist for a given resident in each unit. SALTO does not support the making of duplicate keys.


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