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This page and all others on the help site will be retired in Q4 2024. Please refer to the new help site by clicking the Help icon in the top-right corner of the STRATIS Management application. image-20240828-181023.pngImage Added

Staff keys must be made with new, personalized emails for each new Staff member. You can’t use older legacy email addresses associated with prior employees or groups within your property. This might mean that before you can make a new employee’s staff key, you’ll need to set up their personal email.

  1. Select People.

  2. Select View Staff Keys from the staff toolbar.

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  3. Select +New Key. Choose your staff member from the drop down list, and select Next.

  4. Choose the areas you’d like your staff key to access in the left menu, and select Next.

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  5. Under Key Name, name the key something easily identifiable and unique, as no two staff keys can have the same name. We recommend including the name of the owner and a basic description of what access will be granted. Use personal email addresses rather than group email addresses. For example, would be fine, whereas would not.

  6. Your smart key will automatically be assigned an end date one year into the future from the date of creation. You can change this date if you wish. The set length for the smart key’s expiration date is up to your property and its policies. We recommend setting the expiration date at one year to decrease the likelihood that a forgotten key with access to all units wouldn’t be overlooked and pose a security loophole. Upon that one year expiration, it’s best practice to audit the smart key to make sure that the access granted is what your Staff person needs to do their job and nothing more. Then, make a new smart key with this level of access, and a one year expiration date.

  7. Select Next. A confirmation window will appear to allow you to review the details of your smart key before inputting your password and encoding your smart key.

  8. If all details are correct, input your password and select Confirm. Select your NCoder from the reader list and select Next. Place the blank smart key on the NCoder and select Make Key. If encoding is successful, you’ll see a message appear.