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When an unannounced Visitor arrives at a property, they can request access by calling their known Resident via the ButterflyMX panel directory.

  1. The Visitor taps on Directory, searches for the Resident’s name, then taps on Call.

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  2. The Resident will receive the call on their mobile phone and can choose to deny or accept the call. If the Resident denies the call, the Visitor can initiate a call again via the panel.

  3. If the Resident accepts the call, the STRATIS mobile app will open the native call UI and they can take the call either through audio-only or video.

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  4. The Visitor’s video feed will show on the Resident’s device at which point the Resident can decide to either remotely unlock the ButterflyMX panel for the Visitor or choose additional audio/video options (turn on/off video, mute/unmute the audio call).

  5. When the Resident selects Open Door, the door is remotely unlocked for the Visitor and indicated by a message on the ButterflyMX panel screen. The call is automatically terminated.

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Ringing Android Users

When an unannounced Visitor arrives at the property, they can request access by calling their known Resident via the ButterflyMX panel Directory.

  1. The Visitor taps on Directory, searches for the Resident’s name and then taps on Call.

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  2. The Resident will receive the call on their mobile phone and can choose to deny or accept the call. If the Resident denies the call, the Visitor can initiate a call again via the panel.

  3. If the Resident accepts the call, the STRATIS mobile app will open the native call UI and they can take the call either through audio-only or video.

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  4. The Visitor’s video feed will show on the Resident’s device at which point the Resident can decide to either remotely unlock the ButterflyMX panel for the Visitor or choose additional audio/video options (turn on/off video, mute/unmute the audio call).

  5. When the Resident selects Open Door, the door is remotely unlocked for the Visitor and indicated by a message on the ButterflyMX panel screen. The call is automatically terminated.

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What if Residents have both the STRATIS and ButterflyMX app installed on their phone?


For Property Staff to be able to manage Visitor access and grant Visitors BMX virtual keys for access via the STRATIS Management app, the below steps must be taken by your Property Manager or an authorized ButterflyMX administrator.

  1. On the ButterflyMX site, create a placeholder unit and a placeholder STRATIS Tenant.

    1. Log into with the credentials set up by the integrator.

    2. Navigate Units > + New Unit

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    3. Once the Unit has been set up, add a Tenant with name STRATIS User (this name doesn’t matter but it does show up in any texts or emails sent from BMX to users, so it should be appropriate) & email address butterflymx+<site name>

      1. We recommend that the site name directly match the site name in STRATIS

      2. Tenants > +Add Tenant > Save

  2. Your property needs to alert STRATIS that the user has been created. STRATIS will set the integration up on our backend.

  3. When a Staff member creates a Visitor through the STRATIS Management App, STRATIS seamlessly finds the placeholder user for your site and we request a QR code for the same times as the visit.

  4. Along with the email to create a STRATIS account, the invited Visitor gets an email from BMX with the QR code that says when they have access.

By default, ButterflyMX users have their contact preference set to Phone Calls. This must be changed to Mobile App in order for the video call to work. To make this change:

  1. The tenant must log into with their ButterflyMX account

  2. Select Account in the upper right hand corner, followed by Settings.

  3. Scroll down to Contact Preferences and select Mobile App.

  4. Scroll down and Save Changes.

Resident Actions

Moving In Residents


Property-only access, where the Visitor doesn’t need to download an app



  1. If the Resident isn’t logged in to ButterflyMX, they’re prompted to do so when they go to the Visitor screen.

  2. The Resident can add a Visitor.

  3. Property-only access requires a Visitor’s phone number only, no email address.

  4. The Visitor list populates with that new invited person’s Visitor pass.

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  1. The Visitor gets a text with a URL that shows a QR code.

  2. The Visitor can then show the code to the BMX panel for entry.

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Property-wide access, where the Visitor is required to download an app



  1. If the Resident isn’t logged in to ButterflyMX, they’re prompted to do so when they go to the Visitor screen.

  2. The Resident can add a Visitor.

  3. Full access requires both a phone number and email address.

  4. The Visitor list populates with that new invited person’s Visitor pass.

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  1. The Visitor receives an email to activate their STRATIS account.

  2. When the Visitor logs in to the STRATIS Mobile App, they’ll see credentials for the ButterflyMX panel.

  3. The Visitor presents the credentials to the ButterflyMX panel and gains access.

Property-Only Visitor Time Limit

This feature impacts all property-only Visitors by setting a time limit for the maximum window that they’ll be allowed access. To adjust this setting:


  1. Select Property Setup.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. Make sure that Allow Visitor access to property is checked on.

  4. In the Property-Only Access Visitor Duration Limit field, set your desired duration in hours.

  5. Save.

Support Instructions

Properties and Residents should contact STRATIS first for all ButterflyMX issues. If ButterflyMX must be consulted, STRATIS will reach out on your behalf.
