Troubleshooting and Support
Please review the information in this article before contacting Support. Contact information is provided at the end of this article.
Encoder Troubleshooting
1. Ensure that you do not have a fob resting on the encoder. Fobs should NOT be placed on the encoder until prompted to do so in the Management app.
2. Check WireGuard. Wireguard should open at startup, but if you don’t see it:
Open the Start Menu.
In the search box to the right of the Start button, and enter WireGuard.
Open WireGuard.
Select the Deactivate button in the upper half middle of the framepage. The button will change to Re-activate.
Next select Click Re-activate.
3. Verify the icons listed in the left window and at the Status field are green. The icons resemble a green shield with a white checkmark.
If WireGuard is active, return to the Management app and , then try creating the key again.
If the encoder is still offline, please proceed to Step 3 4 and restart services.
34. If the encoder is still not online you can restart services.
Open the Start Menu.
In the search box to the right of the Start button, and enter services.
Right-click on the service Community Client and select restart Restart.
45. Unplug and reconnect the encoder. It will beep as it powers up.
56. Return to the STRATIS Management app and , then re-attempt making a key. DO NOT place the fob on the encoder until prompted by the Management app.
67. If your encoder is still failing, please obtain a screenshot and , then send to STRATIS Support. If you aren’t sure how to take a screenshot, click here for instructions if you’re on a PC or here if you’re on a Mac.
Community Troubleshooting
Having If you experience difficulty accessing Community usually means something is wrong with the Community, most likely the issue is related to your VPN. Follow the steps listed above for Encoder Troubleshooting in Step 4 to reconnect your VPN.
Community has a privacy setting for deadbolt locks. When turned on, a Resident resident can physically enable privacy mode on their lock. This can prevent keys and mobile keys from properly working on that lock. The preferred way to go around this is to use an emergency key, created in Community, to access that lock.
Keyscan Access Control
For any keyscan issues, it’s best to contact your integrator first. That integrator They may be able to solve your issue on their own, and will have the ability to contact Keyscan if there truly is an issue that requires escalation to Keyscanresolve the issue and can work with Keyscan if necessary.
We also recommend the following video, which may be helpful in troubleshooting certain issues.
Keyscan Youtube Tutorial Channel
Contact your integrator if:
dormakaba Community
If you have one of the following issues:
Your HH6 door programmer fails to program locks.
You’re unable to make emergency keys in Community.